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Our Atmosphere

"Preventing global warming by reducing emissions is a strategy doomed to failure. Removing carbon dioxide from our atmosphere on an industrial scale is the only approach that stands any chance of averting irreversible catastrophic damage to our planet in the time we have available." 


Read the short narrative, Abel to Speak, which explains why political inertia, global demographics, and social ideology leave us with no option other than carbon capture.


Free to download at Smashwords

Reference materials

COP24 Climate Change Report

Average global temperatures may rise to 1.5℃ above pre-industrial levels, the critical tipping-point for our climate, by 2030.


Click the button below to see a copy of the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change report 2018.

Carbon Engineering

A prototype carbon capture project in Squamish, Canada, has developed synthetic fuel from carbon dioxide recovered from the atmosphere.


Click the button below to learn more about Carbon Engineering and their carbon capture prototype.

Nasa Ice Core Research

Measurement of carbon dioxide levels in ice-cores has demonstrated that the volume of CO2 in the atmosphere is rising exponentially, and faster than at any time in the history of our planet.


Click the button below to read about Nasa's climate change research initiative.

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