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Our Planet

A stark warning

Our planet supports all life, providing the air that we breath, the food that we eat, and the resources that keep us warm and enhance the quality of our mortal existence.


But, the human race has ravaged what we take for granted. In 2018, the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change published findings of the most comprehensive study ever undertaken into the current state and future forecast of climate change. The report was the product of work that involved 224 expert contributors from 40 countries and it concluded that we may have as little as 12 years to reduce global carbon emissions to pre-industrial levels, if we are to avert irreversible catastrophic damage to our planet's climate.


Extreme weather events resulting in drought, flooding, famine, and progressive food and water scarcity are consequences, as are large scale species extinction and acidification of our oceans resulting in loss of coral reefs and plankton that sustain the majority of marine life.


These forecasts can no longer be dismissed as the rhetoric of scare-mongering activists. They are projections supported by sober analysis of scientific and statistical fact, and the ordinary man and woman in the street must now demand that those in positions of power and influence act to safeguard our 'Mother Earth'.  

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