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One tree planted logo.png

This is a non-profit organisation that works with reforestation projects around the world to plant trees. Their commitment is that a donation of one dollar will result in one new tree being planted.

This is an ideal way to offset your carbon footprint. A donation of £13 or $15 will offset roughly a tonne of carbon.

Visit their website here.


A carbon calculator is available here.

Electric cars

Technology for electric and hybrid cars is advancing rapidly, and there are helpful grants available in some countries to help owners transition to a low carbon vehicle, in addition to reductions in road tax and contributions to home recharging installations. Read the Whatcar advice on the current range of electric vehicles available in the UK here


Read advice on the best electric cars in the USA here.


An explanation of Federal Electric Car Tax Credit is explained here.

Some practical ideas 

Deciding what to do to play your part in helping to heal the planet is not easy. We are all constrained by practicalities; for starters, the cash we have available to change the way we live. But, we might also have to use the car to get to work or take the kids to school. We have to heat our homes. We need electricity to provide light, to boil the kettle or watch the TV. Equally, living a fulfilling life by travelling to see friends and family, and going on holiday, has a consequence on our climate and our natural resources.


The following is, therefore, intended to provide a useful resource for those interested in finding ways to minimise or mitigate the negative impact that we all have on our planet.  

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Renewable energy

Domestic renewable energy solutions are becoming more efficient and affordable. In the UK, there are still attractive grants, incentives and feed-in tariffs available that help to fund or recover the cost of installation. Read advice from the Energy Saving Trust on generating your own electricity and/or heat here


A database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy in the USA can be accessed here

Single use plastic

Eliminating our use of non-recyclable plastic is important if we are to reduce the volume of plastic pollution in our rivers and the ocean. The problem is so bad now, that elements of plastic are detectable in much of our food chain.


Read advice about simple ways to reduce your use of plastic published by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth.

Pachamama Alliance

Encouragement to take a stand in the interest of global wellbeing can be found by participating in an interactive online initiative promoted by the Pachamama Alliance. Centred upon the essential interdependence and connectedness of all people and all things, the course provides an uplifting insight into the sheer volume of organisations, and people, around the world who are concerned about the future of our planet.


To learn more, click the button below and follow the link to the 'Up to Us Education Program - Awakening the Dreamers.'

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